

Support your air quality management needs with state-of-the-science modeling and analysis solutions.

Sonoma Technology’s scientists apply the latest modeling, analysis, and visualization software and methods to meet air quality management, planning, and decision support needs. Our modeling work covers local-to-hemispheric scales and includes multi-pollutant impact assessments, single-source impact analysis, exceptional event demonstrations, policy analysis, permitting and compliance efforts, and the development of real-time modeling systems.

Kenneth J. Craig

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Kenneth J. Craig
Kenneth J. Craig
Call Kenneth at 707-665-9900
Manager, Atmospheric and Emissions Modeling Group / Principal Scientist

Air Dispersion Modeling

Evaluate the near-field air quality impacts from stationary sources and transportation projects. Sonoma Technology scientists use a variety of dispersion models, including AERMOD, CALINE, and R-LINE, to help our clients conduct research and perform human health assessments and PM hot-spot analyses.

Stationary Sources

Understand the fate and transport of pollution from stationary sources to support air quality management planning, meet compliance needs, and mitigate impacts on public health.

Transportation Sources

Understand how travel activity, meteorology, and other factors contribute to near-road air pollution, and evaluate real-world impacts of on-road mobile sources.

Photochemical Modeling

Understand air quality impacts on regional and national scales. Sonoma Technology uses EPA-accepted models such as CMAQ and CAMx to evaluate air quality for single-source impact assessments, state implementation plan (SIP) development, exceptional event demonstrations, and policy analyses.

Single-Source Impacts

Assess single-source air quality impacts on ozone and secondary PM2.5 to meet EPA requirements issued in the revised Guideline on Air Quality Models (Appendix W). Our single-source impact assessments are used for New Source Review (NSR), Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD), and other EPA regulatory programs.

Meteorological Modeling

Conduct meteorological modeling to inform forecasting, develop inputs for air quality models, and understand how meteorological conditions influence pollutant chemistry and transport. Using models such as the Weather Research and Forecasting Model (WRF), we work with clients to evaluate source-receptor relationships, improve meteorological outputs through targeted observations and data assimilation, and support alternative energy applications.

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