Air Sensor Guidebook: Expanding the Awareness of Low-Cost Air Quality Sensors

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Air Sensor Guidebook: Expanding the Awareness of Low-Cost Air Quality Sensors
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Sonoma Technology worked with the EPA to help expand the use of low-cost air pollution sensor technology for air quality monitoring. Sonoma Technology helped prepare the <i><a href="" target="_blank">Air Sensor Guidebook</i></a href>, which helps sensor users of all experience and interest levels—from air quality management professionals, to community members using sensors for community monitoring—understand air quality concepts and the key considerations for selecting the right low-cost sensors for their application.
Topics include an overview of air quality and pollution monitoring, uses of air sensors, pollution effects on human health, what to look for when purchasing a low-cost sensor, understanding sensor performance, and analyzing recorded air quality data. This guidebook is a vital component of <a href="" target="_blank">EPA’s Air Sensor Toolbox</a href>.

Hilary R. Hafner

Submitted by rspencerdev on
Hilary R. Hafner
Principal Scientist / Quality Assurance Manager