Training Courses on Validating Air Quality Data from the Photochemical Assessment Monitoring Stations (PAMS)
Lake Michigan Air Directors Consortium (LADCO)
Sonoma Technology gave a three-session training course covering ozone precursor and meteorological data validation and analysis for a national audience of over 120 state and local air quality professionals. This training course covered ozone, nitrogen oxides, speciated hydrocarbons, and surface and aloft meteorological data collected as part of the Photochemical Assessment Monitoring Stations (PAMS) program.<br>
The virtual meeting was designed to enable attendees to understand and apply the following concepts to their PAMS data sets:</p>
<ul><li>PAMS program data uses</li>
<li>Data validation objectives and procedures</li>
<li>Tools and methods for data validation </li>
<li>Data analysis techniques</li>
<li>Source apportionment (i.e., quantifying the contribution of important sources to ambient volatile organic compounds [VOCs])</li>
<li>Ceilometer siting, data validation, and data uses</li></ul>
Attendees were tested before and after the training, and there was great improvement in the number of attendees who had passing scores on the post-training test.<br>
The virtual meeting was designed to enable attendees to understand and apply the following concepts to their PAMS data sets:</p>
<ul><li>PAMS program data uses</li>
<li>Data validation objectives and procedures</li>
<li>Tools and methods for data validation </li>
<li>Data analysis techniques</li>
<li>Source apportionment (i.e., quantifying the contribution of important sources to ambient volatile organic compounds [VOCs])</li>
<li>Ceilometer siting, data validation, and data uses</li></ul>
Attendees were tested before and after the training, and there was great improvement in the number of attendees who had passing scores on the post-training test.<br>
Air Quality
Community Monitoring
Training Courses

Hilary R. Hafner

Principal Scientist / Quality Assurance Manager