Data Validation Training Helps Air Quality Agencies Breathe Easier

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Data Validation Training Helps Air Quality Agencies Breathe Easier
Western States Air Resources Council (WESTAR)
Air quality agencies must keep pace with ever-changing pollutant monitoring requirements. Increasingly, many agencies also face the challenge of replacing knowledge that is lost as senior staff retire. Proper training ensures that agency staff have a current and cohesive knowledge base that can be applied consistently across an organization.
Using real-world scenarios and local examples, Sonoma Technology delivered a workshop to train agency staff on data review, quality control, and quality assurance. Participants examined screening criteria and explored useful data displays for criteria pollutants, speciated PM<sub>2.5</sub>, hydrocarbons, air toxics, surface meteorology, and black carbon.
Air Quality
Data Management
Public Outreach

Hilary R. Hafner

Submitted by rspencerdev on
Hilary R. Hafner
Principal Scientist / Quality Assurance Manager