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Staff Member Position
Department Manager, Advanced Air Measurements
Staff Member Bio
Ryan joined Sonoma Technology in 2017, and is the Manager of the Advanced Air Measurements Department. Ryan is an expert in atmospheric aerosols and has extensive experience conducting field measurements designed to address atmospheric science questions. Much of Ryan’s work has focused on determining the chemical and physical properties of individual aerosol particles using advanced instrumental methods. Ryan has been working on projects involving fenceline monitoring of petroleum operations using open-path measurements, and applying low-cost sensors to measure fugitive methane emissions. Ryan is also involved with air quality field study design, instrument selection, quality assurance documentation, and field operations.
Ryan is excited to learn about new developments in instrumentation and automation and how they can be applied to aid humanity and the environment. Ryan loves the outdoors, and his hobbies include spending time with his family, backpacking, disc golf, electronics, and climbing. Ryan earned his BS in Chemistry from San Francisco State University, and his MS and PhD in Chemistry from the University of California at San Diego.
Ryan is excited to learn about new developments in instrumentation and automation and how they can be applied to aid humanity and the environment. Ryan loves the outdoors, and his hobbies include spending time with his family, backpacking, disc golf, electronics, and climbing. Ryan earned his BS in Chemistry from San Francisco State University, and his MS and PhD in Chemistry from the University of California at San Diego.
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Staff Member Resume
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Staff Member Publications
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