Mobile App Makes it Easy to Manage Vegetation and Plan Fuels Treatment

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Mobile App Makes it Easy to Manage Vegetation and Plan Fuels Treatment
The Interagency Fuels Treatment Decision Support System (IFTDSS) mobile app provides easy access to critical fuels management information. Developed by Sonoma Technology, this proof-of-concept app grants land and fire managers access to selected IFTDSS calculators for managing vegetation and planning fuels treatment. For example, fuels treatment planners can use this app to assess fire behavior and effects for varying fuel and environmental conditions.
Sonoma Technology worked collaboratively with the Joint Fire Science Program, the Fuels Management Committee of the National Wildfire Coordinating Group, and other stakeholders on the development of IFTDSS, which helps land and fire managers across the United States make informed decisions by providing access to existing data and software tools through a single web-based user interface.
Air Quality
Fire and Smoke
Software Development

Tami L. Lavezzo

Submitted by rspencerdev on
Tami L. Lavezzo
Manager, Wildfire & Smoke Analysis Group / Vice President / Senior Scientist / Senior Project Manager