Sonoma Technology helps clients collect and evaluate data, prepare GHG emissions inventories, forecast impacts, build case studies, and develop tools and decision support systems to address climate change.
Sonoma Technology helps clients collect and evaluate data, prepare GHG emissions inventories, forecast impacts, build case studies, and develop tools and decision support systems to address climate change.
Collaborate with fire agencies, county officials, community members, and county, state, and federal land management agencies to create Community Wildfire Protection Plans (CWPPs).
Plan for and mitigate wildfire impacts using high-resolution vegetation maps to characterize fuels and improve hazard assessment planning.
Assess current conditions for wildfires, traffic flow, and public communication practices, and reduce risks to improve evacuation outcomes.
Make informed decisions to protect public health with accurate, hourly, community-scale information about current and forecasted air quality.
Display fire, smoke, and air quality data for places important to you.
Use our visualization tools to see plume trajectories and identify potential emissions sources.
Forecast control program benefits for strategies such as accelerated vehicle fleet electrification.
Complete analyses required under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).
Model past, current, and forecasted GHG emissions from area, stationary, and natural sources, as well as on- and off-road motor vehicles.
Selected Projects
Leverage and reconcile independent data sources to estimate high-quality local, regional, and national fire-related GHG emissions.
Enhance forest health, reduce fire risks, and gain GHG emission reduction co-benefits.
Characterize fire-related emissions and impacts on air quality and public health.
Identify methane emissions using state-of-the-art technologies.
Deploy advanced methane measurement equipment to identify and address methane releases.
Use robust fenceline measurements to comply with oil and gas industry reporting requirements.
Selected Projects
Improve meteorological measurements and forecasting to anticipate and respond to wildfire risks.
Understand how particles affect Earth’s climate system, including snowpack and albedo changes from black carbon and dust.
Estimate source impacts on air quality and climate-forcing pollutant emissions.
Optimize planned burns to reduce smoke impacts, protect at-risk populations, and support timely public outreach.
Model climate-driven fire and smoke air quality impacts.
Visualize high-risk areas. Prioritize and focus adaptation efforts using state-of-the-science spatial datasets and analysis techniques.
Use federally approved emissions and air quality models to evaluate public health co-benefits from GHG control programs.
Optimize your fire and fuels data use with a customized software solution. Sonoma Technology develops, manages, and customizes software tools and decision support systems to meet each project’s scientific goals.
Advance environmental justice by modeling community-scale emissions and air quality.