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Staff Member Position
Director of Transportation, Climate, and Community Air Quality Programs / Senior Scientist / Director of Business Strategies
Staff Member Bio
Abhilash joined Sonoma Technology in 2021, and brings extensive experience in air pollution, transportation, and climate change programs, policy, and research. Before joining the company, he worked at the California Air Resources Board for over 12 years, where he most recently served as the Manager of CARB’s Emission and Exposure Research Section. In this position, he oversaw the Agency’s air pollution exposure and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions research portfolio and managed a variety of innovative in-house and extramural research efforts using advanced measurement and analysis systems, including airborne surveys, mobile monitoring, personal monitoring, stationary monitoring networks, satellite and big data analysis, and forward and inverse modeling. </br>
Abhilash is a Global Air Quality Fellow with the U.S. Department of State and has served in various capacities at the Air & Waste Management Association over the years. He earned his Masters and Doctoral degrees in Civil and Environmental Engineering from the University of Toledo, and Bachelor of Technology degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Kerala, India. He is a registered Professional Engineer in Chemical Engineering (California) and Environmental Engineering (Arizona).
Abhilash is a Global Air Quality Fellow with the U.S. Department of State and has served in various capacities at the Air & Waste Management Association over the years. He earned his Masters and Doctoral degrees in Civil and Environmental Engineering from the University of Toledo, and Bachelor of Technology degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Kerala, India. He is a registered Professional Engineer in Chemical Engineering (California) and Environmental Engineering (Arizona).
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Staff Member Resume
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Staff Member Publications
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