Monitoring Support for Oil Refineries to Meet Local Regulations
Multiple oil refineries
Sonoma Technology is supporting multiple California refineries in addressing local regulations requiring real-time fenceline monitoring and reporting to the public of pollutant concentrations. We are using open-path instrument technology to measure criteria pollutants, methane, black carbon, and toxics. These regulations include the Bay Area Air Quality Management District’s (BAAQMD) <a href="" target="_blank">Regulation 12, Rule 15</a href> and the South Coast Air Quality Management District’s (SCAQMD) <a href="" target="_blank">Rule 1180</a href>.<br>
To address the rules, our scientists and technicians developed custom monitoring plans to cover each refinery’s fencelines, and installed and maintain all equipment while operating the monitoring networks. We submit the collected data to the refineries and their respective air quality districts. We have also worked with each refinery to develop and maintain data-display websites that provide the public with real-time air quality information.
To address the rules, our scientists and technicians developed custom monitoring plans to cover each refinery’s fencelines, and installed and maintain all equipment while operating the monitoring networks. We submit the collected data to the refineries and their respective air quality districts. We have also worked with each refinery to develop and maintain data-display websites that provide the public with real-time air quality information.
Air Quality
Community Monitoring
Policy and Planning
Public Outreach
Industrial Monitoring

Clinton P. MacDonald

President / Chief Scientist