Sonoma Technology Creates User-Friendly Update to the Popular CALINE4 Disperson Model
California Department of Transportation (Caltrans)
CALINE4 (the California Line Source Model version 4) is used throughout the world to model near-road pollutant concentrations. Sonoma Technology's Paul Benson developed CALINE4 during his career with the California Department of Transportation. Sonoma Technology, together with researchers at UC Davis, developed a user-friendly version of CALINE4, called CL4, to support near-road pollutant modeling. Sonoma Technology’s most recent CL4 update makes it easier to complete near-road particulate matter and nitrogen dioxide assessments, in addition to the carbon monoxide analyses the model originally supported. Sonoma Technology software developers have programmed CL4 to:
<li>Include onscreen programming tips that simplify near-road modeling</li>
<li>Improve compatibility with a wide range of desktop and laptop computing environments</li>
<li>Enable rapid assessment of multiple pollutant problems with an easy-to-use interface</li>
<li>Include onscreen programming tips that simplify near-road modeling</li>
<li>Improve compatibility with a wide range of desktop and laptop computing environments</li>
<li>Enable rapid assessment of multiple pollutant problems with an easy-to-use interface</li>
Air Quality
Policy and Planning

Douglas S. Eisinger

Senior Vice President / Chief Scientist, Transportation Policy & Planning